Promoting the Diverse Interests of Women Lawyers in Santa Barbara County

Join a Mentoring Circle to connect and learn from other lawyers!

Learn about our Committees and how you can get involved!


Thank you to our 2024 Title Sponsor, Nordstrand Black, PC!

Thank you to our 2024 Title Sponsor, Nordstrand Black, PC!

Thank you to our 2024 SHero Sponsors, Herring Imming Family Law and Fauver Large Archbald & Spray, LLP!

Thank you to our 2024 SHero Sponsors, Herring Imming Family Law and Fauver Large Archbald & Spray, LLP!





Mentoring Circles

SBWL’s Mentoring Circles program is a wonderful way for members to build meaningful relationships with one another. Mentoring Circles are small groups of lawyers in varying stages of their legal careers. We provide a confidential setting for sharing experiences, questions, tips and advice on work and life; opening up about career challenges, triumphs and trivialities; and collaborating for positive change. Placement is subject to conflict checks to promote candor and confidence. Meetings are generally held monthly at a time and place convenient for group members.

If you are interested in joining a mentoring circle, please email and provide your name, experience level, employer, and practice area. We will contact you regarding a placement.


When SBWL was founded in 1988, Santa Barbara County was one of the only counties in California without a women’s bar organization. Having had a very positive experience serving on the board of directors of the Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, Hannah-Beth Jackson was enthusiastic when Deborah Talmage contacted her and asked for her support and assistance in founding SBWL. They both saw the need for a network of women attorneys who would establish programs related to gender issues such as bias in the courtroom, the glass ceiling, child-care pressures, gender discrimination within law firms, and lack of support for women sole practitioners. Read more…


See photos of 2023 SBWL Annual Awards Ceremony and Reception

Click + below to see award and scholarship information, application and past years recipients

SBWL's 2023 Board President Diana Lytel with Lisa Franklin, this year's recipient of the Deborah Talmage Attorney of the Year Award.
  • The Deborah Talmage Attorney of the Year Award honors an outstanding legal professional who is dedicated to the advancement and success of women; who mentors his or her colleagues and other women; who personifies professional excellence and a commitment to the highest level of ethics; who has shown a commitment to the community; and/or who has achieved professional excellence. The awardee’s name is engraved on a permanent plaque displayed at the historic Santa Barbara Superior Court.

    2023 - Lisa Franklin

    2022- Tara Haaland-Ford

    2021 - Naomi Dewey

    2020 - Honorable Jean Dandona

    2019 - Tracy Macuga

    2018 - Honorable Patricia Kelly

    2017 - Elizabeth Diaz

    2016 - Commissioner Denise Motter

    2015 - Joyce E. Dudley, SB Co. D.A.

    2014 - Renee J. Nordstrand

    2013 - Commissioner Pauline Maxwell

    2012 - Louise La Mothe

    2011 - Honorable Donna D. Geck

    2010 - Ellen Goodstein

    2009 - Honorable Colleen Sterne

    2008 - Christie Stanley

    2007 - Kristine Mollenkopf

    2007 - Kristine Mollenkopf

    2006 - Betty Jeppesen

    2005 - Janet Vining Mitchell

    2004 - Ann Gormican Anderson

    2003 - Honorable Denise De Bellefeulle

    2002 - Janean Acevedo Daniels

    2000 - Catherine J. Swysen

    1999 - Susan McCollum

    1998 - Hannah-Beth Jackson

    1997 - Susan Trescher

    1996 - Deborah Talmage

  • Female Friendly Law Firm Award recognized law firms (including all organizations, agencies or other practices) that are committed to promoting gender equality and work-life balance. in the following area:

    -Gender equity among the firm’s hiring levels

    -Representation of women in a firm’s leadership and promotions

    -Extent to which a firm is committed to equitable training and mentorship

    Past Award Winners:

    2023 - Trusted Legal

    2022 - Maho | Prentice, LLP

    2021 - Environmental Defense Center

    2019 - Herring Law Group

  • Family Friendly Law Firm Award recognized law firms (including all organizations, agencies or other practices) that are committed to promoting gender equality and work-life balance. in the following area:

    -The structure and expectations surrounding billable hours and compensation at a firm

    -The availability and use of parental and family accommodations

    -The availability and use of part-time, flexible full-time and remote work schedules

    Past Award Winners:

    2023 - Santa Barbara Office of Country Counsel

    2022 - Bamieh & De Smeth, PLC

    2019 - Mullen & Henzell

  • Santa Barbara Women Lawyers Foundation recognizes key supporters of the organization who have championed SBWLF’s mission and goals.

    Make a Tax Deductible Donation to SBWLF


    2019 - Herring Law Group

    2018 - NordstrandBlack PC

    2017 - Mullen & Henzell

    2016 - Anticouni & Associates

    2015 - Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck

    2014 - Hollister & Brace

  • The Santa Barbara Women Lawyers Foundation issues a number of scholarships each year of varying amounts ($1,500 – $3,000) to law students of all gender identities and expressions. An applicant may receive more than one scholarship. The Foundation is accepting applications for the following scholarships.

    View or Apply for Scholarship here



    ur organization has compiled a resource guide for our community members to assist in locating pro-bono legal services as well as crisis and addiction services locally.


    Latest news and articles from SBWL


    Check out Events and see photos of 2023 SBWL Annual Awards Recognition Ceremony and Reception


    The Santa Barbara Women Lawyers Foundation issues a number of scholarships each year to law students of all gender identities and expressions.


    Check out photo gallery of our events including the 2023 SBWL Annual Awards and Recognition Reception

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Membership is renewed on a yearly basis. Apply or renew by downloading the application and return by email or mail.

    Go to our membership page here for more information

  • Answer: Check out our events page here.

  • Answer: If you are a current SBWL member, you join a SBWL mentoring circle. If you are interested in joining a mentoring circle, please contact SBWL on our contact page and provide your name, experience level, employer, and practice area. A SBWL Board member will contact you regarding placement in a mentoring circle.

  • Answer: Attend SBWL MCLE events, networking events, Annual Dinner, join the Board of Directors for SBWL or SBWLF, volunteer to assist with a SBWL committee, submit articles for SBWL to consider for inclusion into SBWL newsletters, and donate to the SBWL Foundation.

  • Answer: At its Annual Dinner every December, SBWL presents its ‘Attorney of the Year’ Award. Usually, nomination forms are released in late Summer and due sometime in Fall. A copy of the most recent nomination form can be found at our Awards page here.

  • Answer: Each year, Santa Barbara Women Lawyers Foundation awards scholarships to deserving high school and law students. More information can be found on our scholarship page. The deadline varies each year. The scholarships are presented by the Foundation at an Awards Luncheon during the Fall.

  • Answer: Tax deductible donations can me made to Santa Barbara Women Lawyers Foundation by visiting our donation page.