
The Santa Barbara Women Lawyers is committed to serving its community members in a multitude of ways.

Our organization has compiled a resource guide for our community members to assist in locating pro-bono legal services as well as crisis and addiction services locally.

Santa Barbara Legal & Crisis Services

Immigrant Legal Defense Center

Provides free legal advice in Santa Barbara County to adults and children in detention centers and removal proceedings and community education to help immigrants understand their basic civil rights. If one of your loved ones is detained by ICE please call: (805) 886-9136.

120 E. Jones St. Suite 117, Santa Maria, CA 93454

601 E. Montecito St., Santa Barbara, CA 93103

(805) 886-9136

Family Law Facilitator

A family law facilitator is a lawyer with experience in family law who works for the superior court in your county to help parents and children involved in family law cases with child, spousal, and partner support problems. The family law facilitator gives you educational materials that explain how to establish parentage; and get, change, or enforce child, spousal, or partner support orders. The family law facilitator can also: give you the court forms you need; help you fill out your forms; help you figure out support amounts; and refer you to your local child support agency, family court services, and other community agencies that help parents and children.

Santa Barbara Office Family Court Services

1100 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Mediation: (805) 882-4667

Facilitator: (805) 882-4660

Peace Information Line- Linea de Informacion Del Curso Peace

(805) 882-4626

Santa Maria Office Family Court Services

312 E. Cook St., New Clerks’ Office Bldg., 2nd Fl., Santa Maria, CA 93454

Mediation: (805) 614-6429

Facilitator: (805) 614-6442

Lompoc Office Family Court Services

115 Civic Center Plaza, Lompoc, CA

(805) 737-5452

Peace Information Line- Linea de Informacion Del Curso Peace

(805) 614-6695

Community Mediation Program of SB County

Community Mediation Program serves the communities of Santa Barbara County by providing compassionate communication, appropriate dispute resolution and problem solving practices, Restorative Justice, consultation, training, and mediation services.

(805) 963-6765

Domestic Violence Restraining Order Clinic

Legal aid provides free legal assistance to eligible low-income families and individuals, people with disabilities, seniors and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, trafficking or other abuse and residing in Santa Barbara County. The domestic violence restraining order clinic assists victims of domestic violence seek and obtain restraining orders.

805) 963-6754

Lawyer Referral Service of Santa Barbara County

The Santa Barbara County Bar Association sponsors a Lawyer Referral Service that assists people in Santa Barbara County who have legal problems and seek the advice of qualified attorneys. LRS Staff is currently working remotely. Their hours are weekdays, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.

(805) 569-9400

Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County

Legal aid provides free legal assistance to eligible low-income families and individuals, people with disabilities, seniors and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, trafficking or other abuse and residing in Santa Barbara County. In the following areas of law:

Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (Proof of income required)

Fair Housing/Housing Discrimination (Proof of income required)

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders & Related Services (no income guideline)

Elder Abuse Restraining Orders & Related Services (no income guideline)

Immigration Assistance for Victims of Crimes (U-Visa, T-VISA, VAWA self-petition, SIJs)

Guardianship & Conservatorship (of the person only) (Only in Lompoc/ Santa Maria locations) (Proof of income required)

Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention for Homeowners

Consumer Protection – assisting victims of consumer fraud

Counseling for first-time home buyers

(805) 963-6754

Legal Resources Center

Residents of Santa Barbara County have access to local self service legal resources center in addition to what information is provided in the Legal Resource center web site. The Legal Resource Center of Santa Barbara County is staffed by a California licensed attorney, and open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. Assistance is offered in the completion of legal and court documents for various civil matters and infractions, and in properly presenting your case to the court.

(805) 563-3303

Santa Barbara Public Defender’s Office

The Office of the Public Defender exists to provide legal services to those persons who qualify for their assistance. Lawyers, investigators and secretarial staff are employed to accomplish this goal. The mission is to protect and defend the rights of their clients through legal representation of the highest quality, in pursuit of a fair and unbiased system of justice for all.

Santa Barbara Courthouse: 1100 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

(805) 568-3470

Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office

To pursue truth and justice by employing the highest ethical standards in vigorously prosecuting the guilty, protecting the innocent, and preventing crime

1112 Santa Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

(805) 568-2300

211 Information Line Santa Barbara County

2-1-1 is a comprehensive information and referral system connecting people quickly and effectively to health and human services, disaster relief and public information. Access: Dial 2-1-1 to get connected to a specialist for personalized Free and Confidential assistance 24/7. Available in multiple languages. If out of the area or unable to connect try 800-400-1572.

Family Law Crisis Services

24/7 Access Line Toll Free 888-868-1649 [Mental Health, Alcohol & Substance Use Information, Referrals & Crisis Support]

Adult Protective Services: (805) 681-4550 or (805) 692-5743 after hours

Domestic Violence Solutions Crisis Line – 1-805-964-5245

Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter: 1-805-964-5245

Emergency Psychiatric Services: 1-800-895-7800

Rape Crisis Center Hotline: 1-805-564-3696

Suicide Prevention Helpline: 211/cellphones: 1-800-400-1573

Counseling Services and Centers

Al-anon/Alateen: 1-805-899 8302 (Spanish Al-Anon: 1-805-683-6294)

Alcoholics Anonymous: 1-805-962-3332

Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse: 1-805-963-1433

Project Recovery: 1-805-564-6057 x112

Zona Seca: 1-805-963-8961

Anger Management: 1-805-682-7229


California Bar Association

California Code of Civil Procedure

California Grand Jurors Association – disseminating information about the Grand Jury process.

California Court Interpreters Association

California Law – searchable database of California codes.

California Law Revision Commission – works on projects authorized by legislative resolution

California State Courts – provides access to California court Web sites; explains the California court system; and provides information on court-related publications.

California State Senate – This WWW server is maintained by the California State Senate, Rules Commitee — Computer Services. We serve Senators, senate staff and the public. You are welcome to browse the information stored at this site.

Legislative Analyst’s Office

Office of Administrative Law

FindLaw Internet Legal Resources – “FindLaw” contains an index with links to numerous legal sources, including Constitutional, Intellectual Property, Labor and other special interests, Law Schools, Law Reviews, National Bars, State Bars, Local Bars, Directories, Laws: Cases & Codes, Supreme Court Opinions, Constitution, U.S. Federal Government Resources, Foreign & International Resources, Legal News, Legal Practice Materials, and more.

Law Runner – Index to legal materials through global index and American state index. Offers more than 1,100 advanced query templates found on more than 300 forms to facilitate usage of the most complex query parameters built into the AltaVista? Software.

The Global Fund for Women – International organization focusing on female human rights. Includes literacy, domestic violence, economic autonomy, and the international trafficking of women, and supports women’s groups based outside of the U.S.

The International Center for Research on Women – Private nonprofit promoting social and economic development, with women’s full participation. Generates empirical information women’s productive and reproductive roles, their status in the family, their leadership in society, and their management of environmental resources. Advocates with governments and multilateral agencies, convenes experts in formal and informal forums, publishes.

National Women’s History Project – Showcase of women’s contributions to American history.

The United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women – News and updates.

Women’s International Center – Nonprofit foundation hosts the “Living Legacy Awards” to honor women and men who make a lasting contribution to society.

California Women Lawyers – CWL is a nonprofit state-wide organization devoted to the development of women in the profession of law.

Planned Parenthood – Healthcare for women.

Pro Bono Opportunities

Residents of Santa Barbara County have access to local self-service legal resources center in addition to what information is provided in this web site.

The Legal Resource Center of Santa Barbara County is staffed by a California licensed attorney, and open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis.

Assistance is offered in the completion of legal and court documents for various civil matters and infractions, and in properly presenting your case to the court.

Contact: Lynn Goebel –

The Pro Bono Program gives attorneys interested in disability civil rights law, special education law and other related opportunities a chance to hone their advocacy skills and to make a difference in the community. Disability Litigation Program -Transform communities by removing barriers that deny equal access to people with disabilities. DRLC needs attorneys to co-counsel and to take referrals of large and small disability civil rights cases. Education Advocacy Program (EAP) – Help a student in need of special education achieve tremendous results. DRLC needs volunteer attorneys to participate in negotiating individualized Education Plans with school districts to ensure low-income and minority children receive the special education services they need. DRLC provides free MCLE training and ongoing support to EAP volunteers. Areas of Law: Disability civil rights law, special education law and other related opportunities Chris Knauf (213) 736-1031

Provides free legal advice in Santa Barbara County to adults and children in detention centers and removal proceedings and community education to help immigrants understand their basic civil rights.

Areas of Law: Immigration, Family

Mary Anne Weis and Julissa Pena

601 E. Montecito St., Santa Barbara, CA 93103

(805) 886-9136

Legal Aid provides free legal assistance to eligible low-income families and individuals, people with disabilities, seniors and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, trafficking or other abuse and residing in Santa Barbara County.

Areas of Law: Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (Proof of income required); Advice and negotiation for tenants impacted by COVID-19 (Proof of income required); Fair Housing/Housing Discrimination (Proof of income required); Domestic Violence Restraining Orders & Related Services (no income guideline); Elder Abuse Restraining Orders & Related Services (no income guideline); Immigration Assistance for Victims of Crimes (U-Visa, T-VISA, VAWA self-petition, SIJs); Guardianship & Conservatorship (of the person only) (Only in Lompoc/ Santa Maria locations) (Proof of income required); Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention for Homeowners; Consumer Protection

Santa Barbara

301 E Canon Perdido Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

(805) 963-6754

Santa Maria

201 S. Miller Street, Ste. 209, Santa Maria, CA 93454

(805) 922-9909


604 E. Ocean Ave, Ste. B. Lompoc, CA 93436

(805) 736-6582

Assist tenants to apply for rental assistance which is a federal grant so that they never have to pay it back and their past due rent will not become a consumer debt that their landlord could later sue them for.

Areas of Law: Landlord Tenant

Standing Together to End Sexual Assault (STESA) – Formerly the Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center, empowers people through healing and social change to eliminate all forms of sexual violence. We are committed to transforming lives by providing services and education to meet the needs of our diverse community.

Areas of Law: Contracts, employment, victim rights, civil

Elsa Granados, Executive Director

433 E Canon Perdido St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

(805) 708-4997


Judicial Evaluations

Judicial candidates interested in being evaluated for judicial appointments are encouraged to complete and return the form below, or may contact for more information. SBWL does not currently evaluate or endorse candidates running for elected judicial positions.

Contact Us

To contact the Santa Barbara Women’s Lawyers, call us or fill out the inquiry form. We’ll reply soon.

Get in Touch With Us

Let us know how we can assist you—choose a service and provide your details.

Service Interested In: