Featured Law Firms & Organizations
Phone: 805.962.2022
Practice Areas
Phone: 805.983.6452
Practice Areas
Slaughter, Reagan & Cole
T: 805.335.3720 | E: amzajiclaw@gmail.com
Nye, Stirling, Hale & Miller, LLP
Thyne Taylor Fox Howard, LLP
T: 805.886.6806 | E: agreenspan@ttfhlaw.com
Twitchell and Rice, LLP
T: 805.925.2611 | E: bmejia@twitchellandrice.com
SoCal IP Law Group
T: 805.845.3434 | E: ckopitzke@socalip.com
Greben | Monroe, APC
T: 805.963.9090 | E: christine@grebenlaw.com
Mullen & Henzell, LLP
T: 805.966.1501 | E: dmoore@mullenlaw.com
Santa Barbara County Counsel
T: 805.981.8555 | E: diana.lytel@gmail.com
Cossart-Daly Law, A.P.C.
T: 805.380.8408 | E: ecossart@gmail.com
El Concilio Family Services
T: 805.679.3770 | E: eva@elconciliofs.org
McKinsey & Company
T: 702.467.1111 | E: eviejd@gmail.com
Law Office of J’Aimee L. Oxton
T: 805.966.6880 | E: joxtonlaw@gmail.com
Law office of Janean Acevedo Daniels
T: 805.284-4428 | E: janean@jadanielslaw.com
Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office
O’Gorman & O’Gorman, LLP
T: 805.967.1215 | E: jill@ogormanlaw.com
Santa Barbara Immigration Lawyers, Inc.
T: 805.897.0066 | E: kraig@sbimmigrationlaw.com
County Counsel Santa Barbara
Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APC
T: 650.368.4662 | E: mbarnett@arcr.com
Bamieh & De Smeth, PLC
T: 805.643.5555 | E: moniquefierrolaw@gmail.com
Bamieh & De Smeth, PLC
T: 805.643.5555 | E: nmutz@bamiehdesmeth.com
Trusted Legal
T: 805.452.6559 | E: nicole@trusted.legal
Law Office of Peggy Chen-Rader
T: 805.708.3307 | E: lawpwc@gmail.com
Nordstrand Black
T: 805.962.2022 | E: rn@nblaw.us
Law Offices of James F. Cote
T: 805.966.1204 | E: rosaleen@jfcotelaw.com
Montecito Law Group, P.C.
T: 623.243.0951 | E: shsssanders2077@gmail.com
Price, Postel & Parma LLP
T: 805.882-9823 | E: sboyd@ppplaw.com
Drury Pullen A Professional Law Corporation
T: 805.879.7523 | E: spullen@drurypullenlaw.com
Adams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo
T: 650.589.1660 | E: tcmessing@gmail.com
Allen & Kimbell, LLP
T: 805.963.8611 | E: tkaplan@aklaw.net
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